Säker Senior AB


Welcome to Säker Senior AB

Falls in elderly are common and they have serious consequences

Injuries from falls have become an increasing public health problem in recent years and the numbers are rising. The fall most often occur at home and brings both pain and reduced mobility to the person suffering from the fall. Often the fall also will have a negative impact on the lives of family and relatives.

Every day at least four people in Sweden die due to fall related injuries and every year 65 000 people over the age of 65 seek emergency care after a fall in their home. A fractured hip is a common result of a fall and is responsible for the most days care in hospital following schizofreni and stroke. Half of the people who suffer from a hip fracture never regain the same functional capacity as they had before the fall.

Between 2013 and 2050 the number of elderly (65+) is expected to increase by a staggering 50%. As the number of elderly increases the number of people suffering from a fall will also increase. Research shows that death caused due to a fall will more than double during the coming decades and that there will be a need to double the number of hospital beds to care for patients with hip fractures.

As a consequence of a growing number of elderly suffering from falls there will be a substantial rise of social costs.

Falls are preventable

Research shows that the frequency of falls can be lowered by identifying and treating the health problems that lead to falls. Common, treatable health problems and hazards include problems with walking or moving around, medications, foot problems or unsafe footwear, blood pressure dropping too much on getting up, problems seeing, and tripping hazards at home.

Reduced mobility and disability increase in elderly but there are many ways to prevent these changes from leading to an unfortunate fall.

There is evidence for which efforts have good effect on lowering the number of falls and in many areas work is proceeding. Unfortunately there is still a long way to go before essential results are obtained.

Säker Senior AB

Säker Senior AB was founded 2009 with the main purpose of working with fall prevention to reduce falls amongst elderly people.

Säker Senior AB’s work is focused on evidence based interventions and the implementation thereof.

Our key objective is to increase the knowledge about how to reduce falls among the elderly themselves but also among professionals meeting elderly in their everyday work.

By sharing our knowledge with the elderly and also involve them in physical training we provide them with means to lower the risk of falling and staying as active and independent as they like to be.

It is important that professionals working with elderly have good knowledge of fall prevention as they are the ones meeting people with risk of falling every day. It is therefore important that they know what to do in order to prevent falls from occurring.

Since its inception, Säker Senior AB has worked in different ways towards the goal of reducing falls.

oLectures for groups of seniors

oCourses for professionals in the area of Fall prevention but also Movement training

oProject leaders, in cooperation with Fou Nordost, of three projects in Österåkers kommun with the aim to maintain the health, strength and balance of the senior citizens in Österåkers kommun

oCourses for seniors involving fall prevention and balance training

In the future Säker Senior AB will continue the work of spreading knowledge about fall prevention and implementing the actions that helps elderly to stay on their feet.

We also hope to find more ways to cooperatate with other companies and organisations with the same goal of lower the number of falls in the elderly.

You are most welcome contact us if you have any questions or are interessed in booking a lecture or cooperating in other ways.

Anna Skaring and Sofia Biderholt
Founders of Säker Senior AB

Säker Senior är ett kunskaps- och utbildningsföretag som erbjuder kurser, föresläsningar och konsultjänster inom områdena fallprevention, förflyttningar och träning för seniorer. Vi vill bidra till att minska fallolyckor och ge verktyg till personal inom vården att arbeta mot samma mål. Balansträning och styrketräning för seniorer är en viktig del för att minska antalet fallolyckor och därför erbjuder vi Balansskolor och föreläsningar för seniorer.

Säker Senior AB - info@sakersenior.se - 076-249 32 00